On Friday, We got invited to go to Westminster Skate park for our friend Andrew's birthday party! It sounded like fun! The kids would skate and the adults would chat! We had been to the skate park several times, and as the kids put on their knee pads, elbow pads and helmets, I gave my usual speech of.... "Don't get hurt... I'm not making a trip to the Emergency Room today!".... Little did I know I would eat those words as the day went on!
The kids were skating and riding their bikes when all of a sudden, I heard Skyler screaming. I jumped up and ran to him. He was lying on the bottom of a ramp crying. Some boy had run over him with his bike. As the great mother I am, I picked him up and walked him over to where we were sitting to look him over. That didn't work out too well!
As I was walking, I stepped wrong, twisted my ankle and fell. I tried to turn so Skyler wouldn't get hurt and landed on my knee. At first, I wasn't in pain. I was too worried about Skyler and if he was OK. Of course, he was fine. I got up and walked back to my chair. I noticed I had some scrapes, and poured water on them. I sat for about 20 minutes before I felt throbbing pain in my leg. After 2 more hours of pain I decided to go to the ER.
So sorry this happened! But we had a great time playing with your little bitty Girlie today.