Thursday, July 15, 2010

Creek Day ~ Union Mills Homestead!

Today we are heading to the Union Mills homestead creek. Our homeschool group goes there every Thursday throughout the summer. This gives the kids a chance to have fun with friends while still learning. They discover different types of plants and animals, while the parents have a chance to discuss homeschooling plans and chat.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica,
    Bob passed this along to me , he was rather proud of what you have done. What a great idea for education in the summer. I encourage all the families I am a consultant for to do activities like this. Learning is at it's highest point when fun is part of it. I would love to have been with you. Many parents are afraid to let learning happen outside of books . But this is what makes us different and better in my opinion.
    Anytime a student can taste, feel or experience life first hand, learning becomes a thirst for more knowledge. This is true at any age. I applaud you for the creative way your group has found to "school" through the summer.

    Keep it up. "Creek stomping" makes smarter kids and happier mothers.
